Learn more about Henkel Brands & Businesses in UK & Irelands: Includes useful information about the brands, technologies and latest innovations in our business areas: Henkel Adhesive Technologies and Henkel Consumer Brands.
Whereas industrial Loctite products are used in 800 different industries and applications, end-consumers value Loctite for its strong and fast-acting adhesives that are sold under the name of Super Glue. Let’s take a closer look at Henkel’s biggest brand: its history, its personality, and its magic.
Loctite’s origin is a modern industrial fairy-tale. It is the story of Vernon Krieble, a retired chemistry professor, who persuaded his son Robert in the 1950s to leave a well-payed management job and become co-founder of a start-up. Their business model was based on a technical discovery for which no apparent need existed: a substance that solidifies within minutes in the absence of air. They called the new technology “anaerobic” and their vision was to introduce it into the metalworking industries to prevent machine parts from loosening or leaking. What they were proposing to designers, engineers and maintenance managers came close to heresy: they offered them a non-mechanical solution for a mechanical problem! The Kriebles overcame the reservations to this “alien” technology and made their invention a success: Within ten years, Loctite became a state-of-the-art method for bonding, sealing or locking metal parts.
The pioneering spirit of the founders fit well with Henkel, so that the company was fully purchased by Henkel in 1997. Today’s Loctite teams still pride themselves on offering solutions to seemingly impossible problems customers can rely on. They create new markets by discovering opportunities where no one knew they existed and their brand promise translates into an inspiring ambition: “We unlock the limitless potential of man and machine.” Their underlying commitment is fierce: Loctite teams enable customers to unlock substantial new value beyond their current capabilities by selling expertise-driven solutions for bonding, sealing and coating applications.
This passionate commitment pays off: Loctite is the global leader in high performance adhesives, sealants and surface treatments. Loctite products are used in 800 different industries and applications, including aerospace, agricultural, oil, microelectronics, medical, and automotive. While the original anaerobic technology is still the core of the business, many people know Loctite for its “cyanoacrylates”: strong and fast-acting adhesives that are sold under the name of Super Glue (in Germany known as Pattex). The leading DIY tool brings simplicity to consumers, craftsmen, and their projects.