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18 Jan 2023
Hey Girls are a social enterprise that work to improve access to quality sanitary products and increase education around period health and poverty with their buy-one, donate-one initiative. Their products are planet positive with compostable and recyclable packaging, and they are delivered through carbon offsetting shipping to reduce their environmental footprint.
To date, they have saved an equivalent of over 9 million bags of plastic from ending up in a landfill through their zero-waste, plant-powered sanitary products that are chemical-free and responsibly sourced with 100% certified organic cotton and sustainable bamboo to protect your health while funding the fight to end period poverty in the UK.
The not-for-profit’s initiatives have resulted in over 25 million product donations through projects such as their ‘Period Dignity Movement’, which was launched to encourage employers to stock period products in staff toilets, so members of staff always feel comfortable and prepared at work. As 1 in 10 people in the UK cannot access or afford period products, the buy-one-donate-one model contributes directly to the fight for equal periods for all.
The Hemel Hempstead site toilets have been equipped with a stainless-steel dispenser unit called the ‘Hey Girls Free Vend’. The dispensers stock tampons and pads that are easy to collect and use. They are made to comply with Infection, Prevention, Control (IPC) measures and display period safety information to promote personal health. As a result of the positive reception to the sanitary products at the Hemel Hempstead site, Henkel aims to implement the dispensers at other sites in the UK and Ireland.
The toilets have been stocked with 500 sanitary products that have been matched with donations by Hey Girl to end period poverty for people without access in places such as homeless shelters, food banks, and refugee homes. On the social and ethical value of investing in inclusive period products, Victoria Hampstead, HSC Country Manager & Head of Compliance UK & Ireland, said.
“One of the objectives I set for HSC in the region is to look at all ideas with a sustainable lens, to ensure any new initiatives are supporting and working towards our sustainability goals. This initiative is a great example of that; as it supports not only the environment but our social initiatives of supporting communities.”
Jennifer O’Hagan, Junior Manager Facilities, reflected on Hey Girl’s commitment to people, sustainability, change and equality by saying “Not only did we want to stock Hey Girls products at the Hemel Hempstead site to support our colleagues, we also wanted to support the amazing ethical, sustainable, and charitable work they do. Their initiatives provide a serious approach to tackling period poverty that is reflected in the 25 million products they donated this past year alone. They have made a pledge towards climate action and signed up to UN’s sustainable goals, so our values are aligned. We have been extremely excited to introduce this partner to our facilities and colleagues.”
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